
Viewing 33 - 48 out of 91 posts


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A Happy Halloween for your Furry Family Members!

Wascana Animal Hospital shares Halloween Safety Tips for your Pet Read More

Fall Pet Safety Tips!

Wascana Animal Hospital provides some safety tips for your pet this fall! Read More

Summer Fun Tips!

Summer Safety Tips for your Pets Read More

Using Antibiotics Appropriately is Better for All of Us

Veterinarians have great responsibility when it comes to being careful with how and when we use antibiotics in our patients. Read More

Using Probiotics to Treat Anxiety in Dogs

Learn about how a probiotic can reduce anxiety and stress in your dog! Read More

Lyme Disease

Wascana Animal Hospital veterinarians in Regina, SK discuss Lyme Disease in pets and vaccination. Read More

Feline Oral Resorptive Lesions (FORLs)

Wascana Animal Hospital in Regina, SK discusses a common dental issues in cats that our veterinarians see. Read More

Dental Treatments at Wascana Animal Hospital

Dental procedures for your pet family member at Wascana Animal Hospital Read More

The Lowdown on Lab Work

Wascana Animal Hospital explains common lab tests performed in our pet family members and how the samples are collected. Read More

Christmas Holiday Plant Tips

Wascana Animal Hospital discusses common Christmas holiday plants and possible risks with ingestion. Read More

'Tis the Season! Protect your pet from these Holiday Hazards...

Holiday Hazards that pet owners should be aware of! Read More

Marijuana & Your Pet

Wascana Animal Hospital talks about recent marijuana legalization and how it affects your pet. Read More

Pot for Pets?

A review of cannabis and how it can affect your pet as well as signs & symptoms of marijuana toxicity in pets. Read More

Parasite Pitfalls!

It's fall here in Regina and with this season arriving we tend to see an increase in the number of patients who are scratching!  Fall is definitely a "trigger" season Read More

Back to School...Back to Scratching?

Fall is here and it's back to school week in the Queen City!  For the moment, we have been able to enjoy some sunshine and the beautiful colored leaves, however fall brings with Read More

Questions about the squirm? Why you should deworm!

Deworming is a topic we have blogged in the past about, however with the current media attention that tapeworms have been getting, we thought it would be a great idea Read More

Viewing 33 - 48 out of 91 posts


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